Business meeting of March 2, 2020
The March meeting was called to order by Club president Joe Kuzmiac at 6:00pm at the Family Restaurant in Mentor, Ohio.
15 Club members were present.
The February minutes were read and accepted without changes.
The finance report was read by the Club treasurer. The monthly report and Club’s current financial status were accepted and the report filed.
As of March 2nd, there are 29 paid members for the 2020 flying year. Additionally, there are two previous adult member and two Junior members who have not yet renewed their membership for this upcoming year.
Old Business:
The lawnmower situation has been fully clarified and settled for the year. Tom reported that the Cub Cadet mower has been sold and the proceeds have been donated to the Club.
There are currently two “new” (donated) mowers in the shed and ready for use.
Comments were made by several Club members regarding the FAA comment period regarding the new proposed rules regarding identification and registration of RC aircraft. According to the AMA more than 50,000 comments were sent to the rules committee for their review. Some members felt this was a small number of comments given the membership size of the AMA and the number of manufacturer stake holders. The EAA has expressed particular concern of the regulatory impact on the RC Hobby and how it may negatively influence aviation at every level into the future.
Ralph indicated that recently a Federal judge sought to limit the immediacy of the issue based on established congressional law that the FAA cannot write rules regarding RC Hobby aircraft. Stay tuned!
New Business:
Tom suggested that the use of a crabgrass pre-emergent should be considered. He noted that the stiff “character” of the extensive crab grass makes take-off and landings difficult, especially in aircraft with smaller wheels. He was to look into the cost of the pre-emergent product for application in the Spring months. Scott was to see if he could possibly get the fertilizer “at cost.”
Ralph indicated that he had a broadcast spreader that could be towed behind a mower to ease the application process.
Tom indicated that a “problem” still exists with the “double-lock” process at the access gate through the farmer’s property. Last season a double lock was provided to allow access through the gate by the farmer and by Club members. Apparently, the locks were note secured in a way that allowed access and a bolt cutter was used to permit entry. Tom offered to contact the farmer to once again try to define both the problem and the optimal solution so as to allow all parties access to their needs.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:25
Next meeting: Family Restaurant 6:00PM Monday April 6th, 2020
Respectfully submitted,
John Brems
Business Meeting of 2/3/2020
The February meeting was called to order by the Club Vice President at 6:00pm at the Family Restaurant in Mentor Ohio. 13 members were present. The Club president was on vacation and not in attendance.
The January 2020 meeting minutes were read and accepted without changes. The finance report was read and accepted to be filed.
The 2020 paid membership to date includes 25 members with only 6 members from last year who have yet to renew their membership for the 2020 flying season.
The members agreed waive the membership fee for this year for Chris Justice in recognition of his donation of a “new” lawnmower to the club.
Old Business:
Tom noted that he has been in touch with a potential buyer of the old Club Cadet mower. He was to send pictures of the mower to the potential buyer and is offering to sell it for about $100.00. Tom will report back at the March meeting.
There was further ongoing discussion regarding the total number of members appropriate for the club. A motion was entertained to limit the Thompson Club membership to 50 members. The motion was seconded and carried in a vote of 8 yeas and 4 nays, therefore the motion passed.
There was also discussion regarding the status of the Geauga RC Club and concerns about that Club losing their flying field – and how it might impact our Thompson Club.
New Business:
There was continued discussion regarding the FAA’s proposed rule making process regarding new rules and regulations for UAS and drones in particular and how these news recommendations will impact the RC Hobby. The Federal comment period closes in early March and all members are encouraged to comment on the proposed rules. The FAA has already denied requests to extend the comment period beyond early March 2020.
Members were encouraged to view the AMA website for instructions and recommendations how to most effectively state our concerns and offer recommendations. It was noted that sending form letters in much less effective than conveying individual thoughts. The AMA site has examples which can be used as a template and provides ideas of what to include in individual comments.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45pm.
Respectively submitted,
John Brems
Business Meeting of 1/6/2020
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
Tom reported that he had a potential lead on someone who might buy the remaining old mower. He will report on progress at the next meeting.
We then discussed potential FAA changes regarding test requirements and ID requirements. At this point we just have to wait and see. AMA is asking all pilots to voice their opinions to the FAA.
There was a discussion of reducing the total number of memberships within the club. More discussion at the next meeting.
We reviewed the happenings of the Geauga RC club and their dealings with the Burton Zoning Board. They are currently being restricted to times and types of planes that can be flown in those time slots. We will continue to monitor this situation and pathways being explored by the club.
Reminder, the dues for 2020 is still $100 for mowers and $130 for non-mowers. Please pay your dues, if you have not already taken care of that obligation.
Next meeting will be at the Family Restaurant on Mentor Ave at 6 pm.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 12/2/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was not presented.
Scott and Larry reported that they took in $250 at the swap meet. The group thanked them for their efforts. A reminder was made to continue to bring in items you no longer need and Scott will collect them for the next swap meet.
Chris donated his mower to the club and the club purchased the mower from Chris's Dad for $250. Augie reported that he sold the old lawn mower for $100.
The yearly elections were held. No new nominations were made. The slate of officers from the Nov meeting were approved for 2020.
Reminder, the dues for 2020 is still $100 for mowers and $130 for non-mowers. Please pay your dues by mail or at the next meeting, if you have not already taken care of that obligation.
Next meeting will be at the Family Restaurant on Mentor Ave at 6 pm.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 11/4/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
It was reported that the lock on the back gate has been installed.
It was reported that a new shell of a mower deck would cost $900 and then all the parts would need to be transferred. Chris proposed that he be allowed to donate his mower to the club and that the club also purchase his Dad's mower for $200-300. A motion was made to do so and the motion passed. Chris will let us know the final price of his Dad's mower at the next meeting.
After discussion, a full slate of officers for 2020 was obtained. Elections will be done at the Dec meeting.
It was reported that a large number of items were sold at the swap meet and that those funds would be added to the treasury. A thanks was given to those involved in the sale.
A discuss was had on 2020 dues. In the end, it was decided to leave the dues at it's current level of $100 for mowers and $130 for non-mowers.
Next meeting will be at the Family Restaurant on Mentor Ave at 6 pm.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 10/7/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
A reminder was made about the upcoming swap meet the following weekend by the Burton RC Club. Oct 12th from 9am-1pm at Willow Hill Baptist Church (near Lakeland Community College).
Tom is still working on getting the club lock on the back gate to the field.
Augie reported the the mower deck in completely rusted out. After a lengthy discussion, a decision was made to better study the various options which include (1) replacing the mower deck; (2) check on the pricing of new mowers; (3) check on the pricing of used mowers; (4) check on pricing of having a contractor take over the mowing duties. Various people volunteered to look into these options and report back at the next meeting.
Joe announced that during the next meeting we will nominate persons for the slate of Officers for 2020. Joe asked everyone to consider stepping up and taking a turn at any of the various positions. If you are interested in taking a role, please let Joe know.
Next meeting will be at the Family Restaurant on Mentor Ave at 6 pm.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 9/9/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
A decision was made to purchase two tables at the Burton RC club swap meet Oct 12 at Lakeland College.
Additional upcoming swap meets....Oct 6: Corsair Club swap meet (Kent OH); Oct 27: Westalke RC Club Swap Meet (N. Olmstead community cabin)
Tom will work on getting the club lock on the back gate to the field.
Next meeting will be at the Family Restaurant on Mentor Ave.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 8/5/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Seventeen members were in attendance.
The discussion this month centered around ironing out the details on the upcoming club picnic.
We also briefly discussed the various local fly-ins for the upcoming month.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 7/1/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Seventeen members were in attendance.
We have yet to be recontacted by the track owner regarding his request for painting assistance. During the last conversation he was insistent that we hold off until he recontacted us. We will continue to wait for his call.
Ken reported that the lock on the back gate had been cut with bolt cutters and hence needed replacement. A new lock will be purchased. Ken also reported that the bushes along the back entrance need to be trimmed back to allow easier access along the road. He volunteered to cut the bushes if someone could loan him a power hedge trimmer. No one appeared to have access to such a trimmer.
We discussed the various local fly-ins for the upcoming month.
A discussion was held regarding having a club picnic. A decision was made to have the event on Sunday Aug 18th. Details will be worked out at the July and Aug meetings.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 6/3/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Fifteen members were in attendance.
An American Flag was donated by Nick for use at the field. Thanks Nick!
Joe and Ron reported on a conversation they had with the track owner. They reported that a request was made for the club to again help with some chores around the track in exchange for keeping the rental fees low. This year a major portion has to do with some unspecified painting needs. No additional info was known at the time. More details and a call for volunteers will be made once we have a defined scope of work and timing. In addition, it was reported that the track had NOT been sold, nor were there any current bids. The track has been "up for sale" for some time now, but no buyers have stepped forward.
A decision was made to sell the Sears Lawn Mower. Augie and Chris will look into selling it.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 5/6/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Eleven members were in attendance. We currently have 30 paid members.
A donation in the name of Paul Worley was made to St. Bartholomew church. A memorial will be held for Paul on June 1 at 1 pm at St. Bartholomew Church, 435 Mayfield rd, Mayfield Villiage.
New chairs were purchased and delivered to the field.
A vote was taken to move up the starting time of all meetings at the Family Restaurant to a 6:00pm start (come earlier for food) and a 7:00pm start for all meetings at the field (again, come early for food). This motion passed.
Everyone was reminded that the group normally meets on Tues and Thurs mornings at 10 am (weather permitting) for informal flying sessions.
It was noted that Densmore Auctions in Madison OH has a 6 ft wooden airplane propeller for sale on Friday May 10. View 4:30pm with sale starting at 6 pm.
The June meeting will be held at the field and a cookout is planned. Food will be served prior to the meeting so don’t forget to show up a bit early.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 4/1/19
The meeting was called to order by President Joe Kuzmiak at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Twelve members were in attendance.
We were sad to hear about the death of Paul Worley. No info was available at the time of the meeting. The club will likely make a donation in Paul’s memory once details are available.
Joe informed everyone that the flyers had been updated, printed and were placed in the Mentor hobby store.
Scott reminded everyone that he will continue to collect no longer needed RC items which he will resell at upcoming swap meetings for the club's benefit. If you have any items you wish to donate, please either bring them to the club meetings or call Scott (440-897-6210) to discuss other arrangements.
Everyone was reminded about the new FAA ruling effective Feb 28 of this year that requires one to display their FAA number on the OUTSIDE of the aircraft. The old rule that allowed the number to be displayed inside the aircraft is no longer valid. The club asks that all members comply with this new FAA requirement, but will not police compliance with this request.
Tom B reported that the mowing schedule was nearing completion and would be mailed out soon.
Chris Justice was appointed as the new Safety Officer for the club.
A decision was made to refurbish and sell the old backup tractor. Chris and Augie will lead this effort.
A decision was made to acquire new chairs for the field. Tom B and Joe will look into options and pursue this acquisition.
Joe reported that the club's AMA charter has been renewed. We are in the process of updating the list of officers with the AMA.
Tom B made a motion that winter meetings (ie those at the Family Restaurant) be moved up to 6:30pm. This motion will be voted on at the next meeting.
The May meeting will be held at the field on May 6 and a cookout is planned. Food will be served prior to the meeting so don’t forget to show up a bit early.
Due to the winter weather there were no discussion of field improvements.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 3/4/19
The meeting was called to order by Secretary Ron Sieloff at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
President Joe Kuzniak was not in attendance, but did inform Ron that he was working on updating the flyers and would likely have them ready for placement in the Mentor hobby store sometime in March.
Scott reported that the efforts to sell the donated RC items was a success. Items were sold via ebay and at the March 3 swap meet. Financial results will appear in the Treasurer's report. Thanks was given to Chris and Scott for all their efforts in selling these items.
Scott will continue to collect no longer needed RC items which he will resell at upcoming swap meetings for the club's benefit. If you have any items you wish to donate, please either bring them to the club meetings or call Scott (440-897-6210) to discuss other arrangements.
Everyone was reminded about the new FAA ruling effective Feb 28 of this year that requires one to display their FAA number on the OUTSIDE of the aircraft. The old rule that allowed the number to be displayed inside the aircraft is no longer valid. A discussion was held among the members and a motion was made that the club follow the AMA position: That the club ask all members to comply with this new FAA requirement, but would not police compliance with this request. The motion passed.
Ron reported that the mowing schedule was also being worked on by Joe and that it should be available for review by April 1. Joe also told Ron that he was working with Tom to update the club's AMA charter to reflect the new officers.
Our next meeting will be April 1 at the family restaurant in Mentor. The May meeting will be held at the field on May 6 & BBQ will be served.
Due to the winter weather there were no discussion of field improvements.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 2/4/19
The meeting was called to order by Secretary Ron Sieloff at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
Because President Joe Kuzniak was not in attendance, there was no status on the open action item to update the flyers and get them placed in the Mentor hobby store.
It was announce by Treasurer Tom Burke that the club now has a PayPal account which will accept membership payments. Ron will update the website with this information.
Everyone was reminded about the upcoming swap meet on March 3. Scott again reminded everyone that he is still collecting no longer needed RC items which he will resell at upcoming swap meetings. Proceeds from the sales will go directly to the Club. If you have any items you wish to donate, please either bring them to the club meetings or call Scott (440-897-6210) to discuss other arrangements.
We also discussed the upcoming swap meets and indoor flying events. No status was known on the success of the Jan fly-in, but unofficial reports are that it went well.
Ron reminded everyone to look at their FAA registration cards and make sure they don't indicate that they are expired. New updates cards which reflect the updated/extended expiration dates can easily be obtained by logging into the site you used for registration and simply reprinting an updated card. That way if anyone asks you for your card, you won't be tap dancing with one that says it is expired (even though it is not).
Due to the winter weather there were no discussion of field improvements.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 1/7/19
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
A brief discussion was had on the recurring discussion item of "How to recruit new members". One action item was to update the flyers and get them placed in the Mentor hobby store.
It's dues paying time. If you haven't already done so, please attend to this detail.
Upcoming indoor flying events and swap meets were discussed.
Scott reminded everyone that he is still collecting no longer needed RC items which he will resell at upcoming swap meetings. Proceeds from the sales will go directly to the Club. If you have any items you wish to donate, please either bring them to the club meetings or call Scott (440-897-6210) to discuss other arrangements.
Due to the winter weather there were no discussion of field improvements.
Safety ...Remember....if you are working on servos etc for electric planes, always first remove the prop before energizing the circuits. That way if the motor starts, no harm is likely.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 12/3/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
A slate of officers was presented to the membership. Elections were held. The results are as follows:
President - Joe Kuzniak
Vice Pres. - Dave Bortnick
Treasurer - Tom Burke
Secretary - Ron Sieloff
It was reported that the mower is now completely fixed and ready for the 2019 season.
Meeting was adjourned.
After the meeting, a lengthy discussion was had around what the club could do in the future to attract new members. A review of past efforts was done and several new ideas were presented. It was an engaging and well embraced discussion by all. This topic will be added to the agenda for January.
Business Meeting of 11/5/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
Tom has still been unable to make contact with the track owner.
Tom asked again for volunteers to "Own" a couple of club items.
Tom reported the he had not yet update the Roster.
Tom again thanked Chris and Augie for their work on the mower and for filling in with their personal equipment until the repair is completed. Tom also thanked those who took the tarp down this past week.
The November meeting was supposed to be the meeting we finalized the slate of candidates for next year's officers and Dec is the month to vote on them. Thus far, no candidates have been identified. Thus, it was announced at the meeting that if we are unable to present a full slate of candidates at the Dec meeting, it will be construed as a majority vote to dissolve the club and we will proceed with dissolution. If we dissolve, all members having paid 2019 will receive a full refund of said dues prior to distribution of the club funds per the bylaws. Tom encourage some deep sole searching with regards to stepping up to fill the positions. If a full slate of candidates is available at the Dec meeting we will proceed with elections at that time.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 10/1/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
Tom has still been unable to make contact with the track owner. Tom will discuss with him (1) our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence; and (2) He will also discuss having the tower folks helping us during racing events by keeping an eye on the field and having security address anyone using the field for motorcycle or 4-wheel racing.
Tom asked again for volunteers to "Own" a couple of club items. The "Owner" would keep an eye on their assigned topic and if items needed addressing, they would bring it up during a meeting and help the President solicit volunteers to address the issue. Two areas Tom would like to address are (a) the Grounds (this includes all areas at the field including the field, the flight stands, the fence, the shed, etc.) and (b) the mower (determine if repairs are needed or upgrades are warranted, etc.)
Tom reported the he had not yet update the Roster. He will mail it out soon.
Several members attended the Fun Fly in Geneva and had a good time.
Thanks to Chris and Augie for their work on the mower and for filling in with their personal equipment until the repair is completed.
Upcoming swap meets:
- Summit county fairgrounds Oct 7.
- Oct 13th Willoughby Hills Church (near TriC)
- Nov 4th North Olmstead. Cabin community Center in Park on Lorain Rd.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 9/10/18
The meeting was called to order at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented.
Tom has still been unable to make contact with the track owner. Tom will discuss with him (1) our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence; and (2) He will also discuss having the tower folks helping us during racing events by keeping an eye on the field and having security address anyone using the field for motorcycle or 4-wheel racing.
Tom asked again for volunteers to "Own" a couple of club items. The "Owner" would keep an eye on their assigned topic and if items needed addressing, they would bring it up during a meeting and help the President solicit volunteers to address the issue. Two areas Tom would like to address are (a) the Grounds (this includes all areas at the field including the field, the flight stands, the fence, the shed, etc.) and (b) the mower (determine if repairs are needed or upgrades are warranted, etc.)
Tom reported the he had not yet update the Roster. He will mail it out soon.
It was announced that there is a fun fly in Geneva on 8/12/18. This is normally a great event. All are encouraged to attend.
Tom reminded everyone that the club picnic is Sept 23 12-5. This is a pot luck event. Plans for the event were discussed
Thanks to Kenny for erecting the pole at the Western boundary of the field.
There was a discussion of the mower. It was reported that one of the wheels was off on the deck. Dennis volunteered to weld it back on.
Thanks to Chris and Augie for their work on fixing the hinges on the building doors.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 8/6/18
The meeting was called to order at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Currently we have 32 members.
Tom has still been unable to make contact with the track owner. Tom will discuss with him (1) our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence; and (2) He will also discuss having the tower folks helping us during racing events by keeping an eye on the field and having security address anyone using the field for motorcycle or 4-wheel racing.
Tom asked again for volunteers to "Own" a couple of club items. The "Owner" would keep an eye on their assigned topic and if items needed addressing, they would bring it up during a meeting and help the President solicit volunteers to address the issue. Two areas Tom would like to address are (a) the Grounds (this includes all areas at the field including the field, the flight stands, the fence, the shed, etc.) and (b) the mower (determine if repairs are needed or upgrades are warranted, etc.)
Tom reported the he had not yet update the Roster. He will mail it out soon.
It was announced that there is a fun fly in Geneva on 8/12/18. This is normally a great event. All are encouraged to attend.
Tom reminded everyone that the club picnic is Sept 23 12-5. This is a pot luck event.
It was brought up that we had not yet erected the pole to mark the western boundary of the field. Kenny volunteered to head up the replacement effort.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 7/2/18
The meeting was called to order at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Currently we have 31 members.
Tom has still been unable to make contact with the track owner. Tom will discuss with him (1) our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence; and (2) He will also discuss having the tower folks helping us during racing events by keeping an eye on the field and having security address anyone using the field for motorcycle or 4-wheel racing.
Tom reminded everyone that no one is EVER allowed to drive on or across the Drag Strip Race Track.
Tom asked for volunteers to "Own" a couple of club items. The "Owner" would keep an eye on their assigned topic and if items needed addressing, they would bring it up during a meeting and help the President solicit volunteers to address the issue. Two areas Tom would like to address are (a) the Grounds (this includes all areas at the field including the field, the flight stands, the fence, the shed, etc.) and (b) the mower (determine if repairs are needed or upgrades are warranted, etc.)
Tom reported the he would update the Roster and email it out within the next week.,
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 6/18/18
The meeting was called to order at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Currently we have 30 members.
Tom reported that we have been invited to put on a float plane demo during the national RC sailing event to be held at Camp Sigwandish in late Sept. If you are interested in flying during the event, please contact Tom as he is compiling a qualified pilot list.
Tom has still been unable to make contact with the track owner. Tom will discuss with him our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
Tom reported that the moving schedule for the 2nd half of the year would be published in the next two weeks.
Paul reviewed the general list of Safety Do's and Dont's. Tom reminded everyone of the flight boundaries for our field and also special flight restriction that are in force during Drag racing events.
After a very lengthy discussion of possible dates, Sept 23 was selected as the date for the Family Barbecue. This date is known to conflict with the MARCS family event. Unfortunately, this date had the least conflicts of any of the other dates reviewed. Hopefully, this date will not put undue hardship on the Propbuster's members who are also MARCs members. Likewise, it is hoped that this is also a good date for all Propbuster's members who were not present at the meeting. This will be a pot luck event and will be held from 12noon-5pm.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 5/7/18
The meeting was called to order at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented. Currently we have 29 members.
Tom reported that he had yet attended a board meeting of the Camp Stigwandish team to discuss the idea of the club doing demos at the camp. Hopefully he will get with them in the next month.
Tom was still unable to make contact with the track owner as the owner was out of town. Tom will discuss with him our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
Tom reported that the moving schedule was published via email.
A motion was made and approved wherein during TFRs that affect the Burton RC Club, the Thompson Field will be made available to current Burton RC members whom have a current AMA membership. We will require a Thompson Club member to be present during any Burton RC flying at our field. An email was send to the the Burton RC President, notifying him of our invitation. Tom offered to act as a contact person if a Burton Member does not know anyone in the Thompson Club to contact.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 4/2/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Tom reminded everyone that the next building session at his home on April 21 from 2-5pm. Come and enjoy the fellowship.
Tom reported that he had yet attended a board meeting of the Camp Stigwandish team to discuss the idea of the club doing demos at the camp. Hopefully he will get with them in the next month.
Tom was still unable to make contact with the track owner as the owner was out of town. Tom will discuss with him our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
Tom reported that the moving schedule is nearing completion and should be published in the next week. He will send it out via email.
Tom again reminded everyone to remove the props from their electric planes if they plan on working on them before flight. He also reminded everyone to carefully check their batteries and make sure they are ready for the new flying season. He encouraged people to us the capacity checking function on their chargers if it is available. He also added that everyone should pull apart and reinsert all electrical plugs to help insure that the contacts have not gotten corroded over the winter. It is also a good idea to cycle any switches on the planes a few times to help clean those contact points as well. There was also a discussion about using a product called Corrosion X to help keep your electrical contacts corrosion free. The product is available at better hardware store and on the web.
Reminder....our May meeting will be held at the field.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 3/5/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Tom reported on the building session at his home on 2/17. One plane was completed and lots of other discussions and learnings were had. Next session is March 24 from 2-5pm and a third session is planned April 21 from 2-5pm. Come and enjoy the fellowship.
Tom reported that he had contacted someone at Camp Stigwandish and hopes to attend an upcoming board meeting to discuss the idea of the club doing demos at the camp.
Tom was unable to make contact with the track owner as the owner was out of town. Tom will discuss with him our fund raising idea and make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
Tom reminded everyone to remove the props from their electric planes if they plan on working on them before flight. He also reminded everyone to carefully check their batteries and make sure they are ready for the new flying season. He encouraged people to us the capacity checking function on their chargers if it is available.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 2/5/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Additional discussion was had on having a building session at Tom's home. A date of 2/17 was suggested. Tom will confirm via email to the group.
We were reminded that the FAA registration is back on. If you haven't already registered, you should do so ASAP so that you stay legal.
A discussion was had regarding Hobbico/Tower Hobby recently filing for bankruptcy protection. The bottom line is that we have no way of knowing how this will effect this business. Tom suggested that if you need any replacement parts or planes, that you order them ASAP...just to be safe.
Other To do items for Tom were tabled again until the March meeting. They include:
(1) Tom again volunteered to contact the track owner to make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
(2) Tom volunteered to contact the camp leader and explore their interest in us doing demos and other events for the scouts.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 1/8/18
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
It was reported that indoor flying at Spire has officially ended.
Tom reported that he was still waiting for good weather to clean the mower deck, but that it was still on his radar.
Some discussion was had on having a building session at Tom's home. More discussion at the Feb Meeting to determine interest level and work out details.
Other To do items for Tom were tabled until the Feb meeting. They include:
(1) Tom again volunteered to contact the track owner to make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
(2) Tom volunteered to contact the camp leader and explore their interest in us doing demos and other events for the scouts.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 12/4/17
The meeting was called to order at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Tom was unable to attend due to illness. To do items for Tom were tabled until the Jan meeting. They include:
(1) Tom again volunteered to contact the track owner to make sure that he didn't have an issue with us adding advertising to the fence.
(2) Tom volunteered to contact the camp leader and explore their interest in us doing demos and other events for the scouts.
All the old officers agreed to serve another term. No new candidates were identified. A motion was made to accept the current slate of officers for 2018. The motion carried.
A reminder was made the there will be indoor flying at Kent on 12/15.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 11/6/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Tom thanked those who took down the dining fly tarp. He also mentioned that on his next trip to the field he would drop the mower deck and winterize it.
Tom reminded everyone that we are now collecting old RC items to sell at local swap meets. Proceeds will help bolster the club treasury. He asked the people bring such items to the meetings and that either Tom or Scott will collect them and hold them until the next swap meet.
We resurrected the idea of selling Advertising space on the field. Tom again volunteered to contact the track owner to make sure that he didn't have an issue with this plan.
Larry suggested that it might be a good public service (and possible recruitment tool) to partner with the Madison Boy Scout Camp and perhaps perform flight demos at the camp. Tom volunteered to contact the camp leader and explore their interest in such events.
Since everyone was not present at the last meeting, we again reviewed the location of the Western flight boundary so that all members were aware of the requirement and the exact location. Tom reminded everyone that come Spring we will be installing new markers to better identify this flight boundary.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 10/2/2017
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Tom thanked everyone who attended the Picnic and said a special thanks to Larry Pope for doing all the grilling. Several contests were held during the event. Tom won the egg drop contest, Ron won the balloon bust and John B won the spot landing.
Scott brought up an old idea to have club members donate old R stuff to the club which we could then sell at various swap meets. This would add funds to the treasury. Several people indicated they might have items to donate.
We did ge a complaint this last month about flying outside our designated area. Witnesses, including a local Sheriff, said that, in fact, we were not outside our area. However, come Spring,
we will better mark the Western boundary and also educate (re-educate) all members about flying area boundaries.
Meeting was adjourned
Business Meeting of 9/11/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the field. Minutes were read and approved. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Picnic date will be Sept 24th from noon till ??. Food will be served about 2:30pm. This is a pot luck event. No sign up sheet, just bring whatever food item you wish to bring.
Next business meeting will be at the restaurant.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 8/7/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the field. Minutes were not read since it had been a while since we had a meeting due to schedule conflicts and weather issues. The Treasurer's report was presented and approved.
Tom introduced and welcomed two new members.
Picnic date will be Sept 24th from noon till ??. Food will be served about 2:30pm. This is a pot luck event. No sign up sheet, just bring whatever food item you wish to bring.
Next gathering of the group will be 8/21 for sandwiches, a fun time flying and to witness the solar eclipse.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 4/3/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report read and approved.
Tom passed out the updated rosters and asked for corrections. Tom also passed out the Mowing schedule for this year.
Tom reported that he had a busy month and had not gotten to look into: (a) Calling old members who had not yet renewed; (b) Following up with the AMA about a grant for field upgrades; (c) upgrading the club flyer and (d) contacting the track about allowing us to sell ads for our fence. He reported he would try to get to these items in the next month.
A discussion was had on raising money via a Swap and Shop or by having a club table at someone else's S&S. Chris and Scott will look into this and report back to the club.
We are still looking for new members. Keep your eyes and ears open for potential new members.
Reminder: Next month's meeting will be at the field.
Meeting was adjourned and a show and tell session was had. It included two large scale wood/fiberglass planes. See last two photos in Picture Gallery.
Business Meeting of 3/6/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report read and approved.
Tom reported that he had a busy month and had not gotten to look into: (a) Calling old members who had not yet renewed; (b) Following up with the AMA about a grant for field upgrades; (c) upgrading the club flyer and (d) contacting the track about allowing us to sell ads for our fence. He reported he would try to get to these items in the next month.
The Safety Officer asked that all of us go to the AMA website and review the list of safety items that we should all adhere to.
The April meeting will be the last meeting at the Family Restaurant until the fall. Tom asked anyone who cared to, to bring a new or rebuilt airplane to the meeting for show and tell.
Tom again asked everyone to be on the lookout for new members and to also consider making tax deductible donation to the club.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 2/6/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was not available,
Tom reported that three month's rent for the field was paid. He also reported that thus far 22 members have renewed. Our goal is to have a minimum of 28 members so please continue to look for new members. Meanwhile Tom will be calling any old members that haven't renewed and remind them to renew.
As we discussed membership and finances, Ron reminded everyone that we are a 501C3 organization and as such any donations to the club are tax deductible. Note that dues is not deductible.
We discussed that possibility of applying for an AMA grant to improve the shelter on the field. Tom will follow up with AMA for details of application.
Tom stated that he is working on updating the club flyer that we supply to the local hobby shops.
We talked about selling advertising space on the flying field fence that does not conflict with the ads on the track. Tom will contact the track and see if this is possible.
No further new business was brought forth.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of 1/2/17
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was not available,
Tom reminded everyone that we are still looking for volunteers to help prepare the mowing schedule.
Tom also reminded everyone to continue to look for new members. He also asked everyone to think about actitivies that might draw positive interest in our hobby and our club.
No further new business was brought forth.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 12/5/16
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was read and approved.
The bylaws were reviewed for the final time and unanimously passed. Ron will update the by-laws on the website.
We discussed the publication of the mowing schedule and decided that April 15 should be our target date. We are looking for a volunteer to do the mowing schedule for 2017.
Tom announced that the 2017 membership cards will be completed by April 15 as well and should be passed out at the May meeting.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 11/7/16
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer's report was read and approved.
It was brought to the group's attention, that there was a separate Grounds Maintanence document that also covered details of the "mowing option". The group decided to table further discussion on the topic until Ron got a copy of the document and could include it into the by-law review/discussion. Ron will update the by-laws with this addendum before the next meeting.
Other proposed changes to the by-laws were reviewed. Those with edits were noted and will be reviewed again at the next meeting. Those without edits were discussed and approved.
Tom thanked those who took down the tarps, flags and wind socks at the field.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 10/3/16
The meeting was called to order by President Tom at the Family Restaurant in Mentor. Because there wasn't a business meeting in Sept, the Minutes were not read. Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
With the end of the mowing season approaching it was decided to do a major PM on the unit and a budget of $200 was pre approved for this work. We also discussed the back-up mower and finally decided to not do anything with it right now and to re explore our options in the Spring. It has issues of unknown origin at this point that may be minor or major depending on what is found.
We then looked at improvement areas for 2017. One idea surfaced which was to publish and hand out the mowing list. One of the issues we have is that persons are not all following the request to renew by March 1. This complicates persons from coordinating the list results in revisions to the list. This in turn brought up a whole other discussion on getting people to honor the dues renewal request. Several ideas were presented including enforcing the late fee; requiring all NEW members to pay the $30 "no mow" fee and then allow them the option in their subsequent years of membership; and also publishing the schedule twice in the year instead of trying to get it perfect in the Spring. This discussion will continue next meeting.
The mowing discussion also prompted a discussion of the by laws and the need to review/re write them to bring them up to date. Ron volunteered to take a stab at editing the document and providing a "mark up" copy at the next meeting for review and discussion.
We also acknowledge the need to take down the tarps in Nov. A date for this activity will be determined at the next meeting.
The meeting was adjourned.
There was no Business Meeting in Sept
Business Meeting of 8/1/16
The meeting was called to order by President Tom. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
The roster is still in progress and hopefully will be ready for the next meeting.
A decision was made to hold the Club Picnic on Monday Sept 12. Hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, chips, drinks will be supplied. Please bring a dish to share with at least 6 other people. Tom to mail out more details as the event gets closer.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 7/11/2016
The meeting was called to order by President Tom. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Club 40 activities will not happen this summer due to scheduling issues.
Tom passed around the latest email list for review and correction. Next year we will use renewal forms in order to expedite the roster update. The roster will be ready for the Aug meeting.
We discussed having either a dinner at a restaurant or a picnic at the field. The group decided to pursue a potluck picnic on a Monday night. Tom will work on a firm date.
Jeff announced that the mowing schedule had been revised. Ron to post on the web.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of 6/6/2016
The meeting was called to order by President Tom. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was read and approved.
Several members reported on the Spring Pylon Thaw. Thirteen people attended the very successful event. It was reported as a relaxing weekend with good weather, lots of flying and a load of fun.
Plans for the Club 40 race are still on hold pending the release of the schedule by the race track.
Tom reported he is working on a new email list.
We reviewed the race track lock/entrance protocol for both race and non-race days.
Meeting was adjourned.
Meeting of May 2, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Tom. Minutes were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was given. We currently have 34 paid members.
Everyone noticed that the new tarps were in place and looked good. Tom thanked everyone who helped with the purchase and/or setup. He also reported that we now have two spare tarps in the shed.
Tom reported that the Spring Pylon Thaw was on for the May 13th weekend and asked people to contact him for more details if they were interested in attending this event at AMA headquarters in Muncie, IN.
We currently have 8-9 people who have expressed interest in the Club 40 racing at our field. No date has been set as of yet, as we are waiting on the track to publish their racing schedule, thus avoiding any conflicts on proposed dates.
We reviewed the last month’s discussion on the lawn movers and eventually decided to table the discussion until the fall of each year when mowers are typically on sale. Everyone felt that the one mower would be sufficient to cut the grass should the Sears mower die. Larry Pope volunteered to give the Sears mower another going over to hopefully give it some additional life. Meanwhile, it was agreed that replacement parts for Cub were typically available locally in short order. Thus, the need to stockpile replacement parts was nonexistent.
We then reviewed Safety.
- Don’t become complacent around the planes.
- Check you batteries, especially for the first flight of the season.
- Everyone owns safety. Speak up and politely correct bad or at risk behaviors. Report repeated offending behaviors or ignored corrections.
- Check the prop nut regularly to make sure it stays tight.
- Remove the prop on electrics when doing radio work etc. Its too easy to hit the throttle and start it up. Several members have been bit this way.
- Don’t fly mid field towards the flight line. If something goes wrong, the bird could become a missile headed for the crowd.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of April 4, 2016
The meeting was called to order by Larry Pope. He reported that Tom was unable to attend and had request Larry preside over the April Meeting. Minutes from March were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was given. It was reported that we currently have 33 members and that a few more people were likely to renew in the coming months.
The following items were tabled until Tom’s return:
Status on the Pylon Spring Thaw and the email to the membership
Cost of tarps and or poles
Club 40 race and Tom’s email to the membership to measure support
Larry passed out the Lawn Moving Schedule and reviewed it with the members. It was noted that several members who were movers had yet to renew. Upon their renewal, the list would be revised to include them. For now, the list is as submitted.
We then discussed having a special assessment to help purchase a new mover. There was a discussion about the existing mowers and their longevity. No decision was made on whether to replace them or not, but the member present seemed to indicate that something like a $40 special assessment would be supported.
We then discussed that tarps and John Burry volunteered to also check on pricing in order to help augment the work Tom has been undertaking.
It was announced that the May 2 Business Meeting would be held at the field.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of Mar 7, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Melsheimer. Minutes from Feb were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was presented and accepted. It was reported that we currently have 28 paid members for this year.
Tom reported on and encouraged everyone to come witness the Pylon Spring Thaw. Details on the event were mailed out to the membership.
The group reported out on the recent indoor flying at Geneva. The general feeling was that enough paid participants were present to meet the minimum required to keep the event liquid. A reminder was made that the big NEF flying event would be held in 2 weeks. Attendance was encouraged.
No updates on the field.
Tom to report out at the next meeting on the cost scenarios for tarp replacement with and without new poles.
Club 40 may race again this year. Tom to ping the membership on supporting the event.
A reminder was made to all to be extra vigilant as we reawaken our birds. Prop strikes can be life altering and yet are very preventable. Keep your mind on the task and keep your fingers away from the props.
Meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of Feb 1, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Melsheimer at 7 pm. Minutes from the December meeting were read and approved. Treasurer’s report was not available. It was reported that 22 people had already paid there 2016 dues and that we would be emailing everyone with a reminder.
Tom thanked Randy for the event at Davitino’s. Six couples attended. Afterwards the group went to Larry’s for dessert. Tom thanked Larry for hosting everyone and remarked about how nice Tom’s work area was.
The floor was opened for nominations. No additional nominations were presented. The floor was closed and a motion was made to accept all the 2015 officers for a 2016 term. The motion was approved.
No update on the track/field.
Corrected dates for the Pylon Spring Thaw event: May 6,7,8. Tom to email out a brochure to the members.
Tom reminded everyone to register with the FAA and to make sure you place your FAA registration number inside each aircraft you fly. This number should be in addition to the AMA required info of: Name, Address and AMA number.
We discussed how lucky we are in North East Ohio to have two indoor flying venues. Their continued existence is dependent on our active participation in order to keep the endeavors financially sound. Please attend these events whenever you can.
The meeting was adjourned.
Business Meeting of Jan 4, 2016
The meeting was called to order by President Tom Melsheimer. Minutes from Nov were read and approved. (Note there were no minutes from abridged Dec Meeting.) Treasurer’s report was not available.
Tom reported that there were not enough people attending the social function to meet the catering requirements of Davitino’s. He reported that they would be checking with the restaurant to see if we could attend and just order off of the menu. A second avenue would be to move the venue to Tom’s home. Tom will send out an email once a decision is made.
The floor was again opened to nominations for upcoming elections.
Tom reported that no further discussions had taken place with the track manager.
Tom announced plans to hold a Practice 3 pole pylon racing event in Muncie on May 5, 6 and 7. More details to follow.
Meeting was adjourned.